Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: ESTP

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: ESTP

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, there are 16 different personality types. Psychological preferences play a key role in determining each person’s personality. It is different for each person how they perceive the world and what influences their decision-making. Let us learn about another MBTI personality type, called ESTP, which illustrates its own distinctive characteristics.

What does ESTP Stand For?

Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving (ESTP) is an MBTI type also known as ‘The Persuader’. Their natural ability to absorb energy from the outside world makes them better at interacting with others. As a result, they tend to enjoy social gatherings and forming lasting relationships. At work, they are action-oriented and problem-solving. Moreover, they ignore the big picture while focusing on the problems at hand and are ready to jump into risky situations.  

What MBTI is Compatible with ESTP?

The best partnership of ESTP is with ISFJ or ISTJ. Together they make great bonds and function best in life or at work. ISFJ or ISTJ balances the weaker aspects of ESTPS personalities quite well.  For instance, they guide them to focus on future consequences, while making decisions in the present time. These personalities thrive in exciting environments and have spontaneous approaches to life. The extroverted natures of ESTP make them good communicators.

Why are ESTPs So Popular?

A test like MBTI is a great way to learn about strengths, weaknesses, and skills people naturally have in their personalities. What makes ESTPs unique is their charisma. People are instantly drawn to them. In addition, they are lively and adventurous. They tend to live every moment to the fullest and love exploring new things. Moreover, they are practical in their approach and know what measures to take in a challenging situation. They do not resist change and switch to work on new ideas when they feel the need of taking the step. They do not control things around them and provide a free space to pour in creative ideas to achieve the best results.

Is ESTP the rarest personality type?

According to the statistics, ESTPS make up 4% of the total population of the world. Based on the data, we can conclude that men with ESTP are more in number than women, contributing about 6% while women make up only 3%. The best thing about their personality is that they are quick to make decisions and consider facts and data to give a final verdict. Though they are practical and logical in thinking, still they have impulsive minds which leads them to take risks at work.

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Key Traits of ESTP Personality

ESTPS are moved by the world outside and bring dynamic energy with their presence. They believe in action and get things done immediately. They are natural leaders with captivating personality traits that influence others right away. ESTPs’ key traits can be named as follows:

  • Resourceful
  • Analytical
  • Outgoing
  • Energetic
Energetic and Adaptable Personality
Energetic and Adaptable Personality

Strengths of ESTP Personalities

We make informed decisions and take suitable actions when we know about our strengths and the strengths of the people around us. The use of such information is beneficial in choosing careers, on the job, or even in strengthening relationships in life. Indeed, personality tests are the best tools to guide us in light of such information. According to the MBTI test, the strengths of people with ESTP personalities are being persuasive and action-oriented. They know how to be adaptable in different circumstances and remain open to new opportunities. Apart from that, they are enthusiastic people who love to indulge in fun things and try hands-on every exciting chance in life. Discover who do ESTP partner with? RThey are very observant of their surroundings and tend to notice small details which are often missed by others. People refer to them as friendly and influential, as they light up any social gathering with their presence and are the life of the party.

Weaknesses of ESTP Personalities

There are certain things that ESTPs can improve about their personalities to get big and better outcomes in life or at jobs. The first one is their impulsive nature, this makes them take spontaneous actions without considering the end results of the process. Furthermore, they do not want to function in a steady way and get bored easily. Either in their career or life, they do not want to be confined, instead to work of their free will. They also feel the need to be admired and respected. They have a strong public image and try to maintain it. At times, they become quite insensitive towards others for maintaining their position.

Careers for ESTP

ESTP performs best in careers that involve interaction with people. Apart from that, they are action-oriented and resourceful and thus fit in the role of a leader. They want life to be happening and do not enjoy the steady-paced job. They are high in spirits and love to remain open to explore different horizons. Not only that, they hold a strong public image as well. The career paths that are best suited for ESTPs can be real estate broker, entrepreneur, marketing executive, sales manager, and public speaking.

ESTP Cognitive Functions

Each MBTI personality represents 4 cognitive functions. These functions help people to excel in their careers, make relationships, and grow in their lives. They are dominant traits that reflect in the day-to-day lives of the people. Here are the four functions of ESTPs personalities:

Extraverted Sensing: ESTPs love to engage in social meetings. They are people with high energy and easily get bored with tedious things. Furthermore, they are good at sensing the situation around them and to experiences everything they find interesting.

Introverted Thinking: The thoughts of ESTPs are practical and logical. They want to consider facts and data while making any conclusions. Though they enjoy working in groups, they can also pull off things alone as well. Their sense of observation is strong, and they are quick to find solutions to problems.

Extraverted Feeling: People often find them as humanitarians. They want to use their skills to provide benefit to the people, either in physical terms or in terms of emotional and mental support. Being people-oriented persons, of course, they enjoy the company of others and are friendly towards them.

Introverted Intuition: The most inferior function of ESTPs is introverted intuition. Since this is an inferior function, it appears to be a weak aspect of their personality. They tend to seek connections. At times, they sense information and try to connect the dots and find possible hidden information.

Values and Motivations of ESTPs

ESTPs focus to do action rather than thinking much. They have a natural aptitude for physical activities. They love to engage in adventurous tasks and tend to enjoy the exciting company of people. In addition, the ability to function best in spontaneous moments is one of the best traits that hold them in high positions at their job. Their extraverted sensing wants them to touch, feel and see things, they do not like long-term goals and prefer short-term wins. They tend to be the most engaging person in the group and love to chat, have fun, and talk to others.

All-in-all, ‘The Doer’ is enthusiastic and energetic. They love to put thoughts into action. Not only that, they are adventurous and love to take risks in life. Anything that involves fun and excitement is welcomed by them. ESTPs always come up with creative solutions to any problem. However, they focus on the present and often overlook future consequences.