Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: INFP

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: INFP

Among the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, the INFP is another type. People who understand their personality preferences are better able to make career decisions and interact with others. Furthermore, it allows them to make informed decisions by enabling them to perceive the world better.

What does INFP Stand For?

INFP is an acronym for Introverted, Intuition, Feeling, and Perceiving. People with such personalities are caring, sensitive to feelings, loyal, and spontaneous. They tend to enjoy close relationships with people and are ready to provide helping hands to them. They hold great regard for their inner values and feelings. Not only that, but they enjoy helping people at work but function better alone. Their introversion, creativity, and idealistic nature often make them known as “The Mediators”.

Which MBTI is Compatible with INFP?

INFPs are introverted and prefer to spend time alone. However, the most compatible personality type with INFPs is the type with strong cognitive functions like intuition and feelings. Personalities like ENFJ, ENFP, and INFJ are compatible with INFJs. They share a common perception of life and possess great communication skills. Furthermore, they complement each other’s personalities well. INFJs connect instantly with people who are creative and visionary.

Why are INFPs So Popular?

INFPs tend to find patterns and possibilities within the situation and aim to achieve their goals. While focusing on the future outcomes, they often overlook the smaller details. However, they are self-determined to achieve their set targets and also motivate others in the process. People find INFPs helpful and encouraging, they help others to grow and prosper. They are the servants of humanity and love to create a sense of harmony around them. Moreover, they are highly creative and have a great inclination toward arts, music, poetry, and literature. 

Is INFP the Rarest Personality Type?

Among the 8 billion people in the world, INFPs make up 4% of the population. The number of INFP women is slightly greater than INFP men. INFPs’ open-mindedness, compassion, and non-judgmental approach set them apart from others. They have a strong adherence to their core values and prefer feelings to logic. They tend to avoid conflicts and are often flexible at work or in life to best accommodate everyone around them.

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Key Traits of INFP Personality

Intuition is the guiding force for INFPs to survive in this life. They can comprehend information quickly and love to focus on the bigger picture. They energize by spending time in solitude and are moved by their inner world. However, the following traits distinguish INFPs from other personality types:

  • Empathy
  • Creativity
  • Moral Integrity
  • Introverted Nature
Thoughtful Idealist
Thoughtful Idealist

Strengths of INFP Personalities

By taking a personality test such as the MBTI, you can gain a better understanding of your own personality. One can utilize these strengths to make better career choices, improve relationships with people, perform well at work, and communicate effectively. INFPs tend to have a great vision for future outcomes and always think big. They make sure to address the need of everyone around them and help them to reach their full potential at work. INFPs hold great value for relationships, but they tend to prefer some time in solitude. During their quest for achieving their dreams, they strive to make their decisions acceptable to all, thus being sensitive to others’ feelings.

Weaknesses of INFP Personalities

There are a few things that INFPs must invest time to improve about their personality. INFPs usually overlook details, which at times puts them in hot water. Being so overwhelmed by emotional feelings, they often take everything too personally. In their world of imagination, they go quite a long way and become super idealistic with situations. People find it difficult in perceiving their point of view as they are not so open about their thoughts and feelings.

Careers for INFP

INTP love to remain in their comfort zone and enjoy working alone. Though, they work well with others and do not resist offering help. Furthermore, they are highly creative and imaginative, and these personality traits add a lot of value to their work. They strongly adhere to their core values and ethics and are ready to defend them. Apart from this, they are very good at self-expression and written communication. Career paths that allow INFPs to use these traits well are the most suited for them. Careers in graphic designing, art, psychology, writing, therapy, and social work are the few options for INFPs’ personalities.

INFP Cognitive Functions

The INFP like other personality types exhibits four distinct cognitive functions. Usually, the dominant and auxiliary function dominates the personality of the people. The cognitive functions of INFP personality types are as:

Introverted Feeling: INFPs are introverts and keep their feelings inside. They are not good at expressing their emotions verbally, but can communicate well in writing. They also address the need of others and are sensitive toward them. Thus, they are the epitome of compassion and empathy.

Extraverted Intuition: They possess one of the most important leadership qualities in them. Their vision and ability to see the big picture and to act accordingly is highly regarded. They are always looking out for possibilities and options and are very open-minded. Their strong intuitions assist them in connecting the dots and making better decisions in life or at work.

Introverted Sensing: They keep a good eye on the world around them. They typically have a strong memory of the pleasures of life and love to revisit them in their leisure time.

Extraverted Thinking: At times, INFPs end up thinking logically rather than emotionally. They tend to assume that the world is organized logically, and all things have a connection.

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