Myers Briggs Type Indicator: 16 Personality Test

16 Personality Type Test

Many organizations around the world use the 16 personality tests to determine employees’ strengths and weaknesses. It helps you to understand the psychological preferences of yourself and others. In addition, it helps you understand your personality type more keenly, so you can make the best choices in your life and career.

What Does the 16 Personality Test Reveal?

Taking the 16 Personality Test can provide insight into your mind and perspective. By doing so, you are able to determine what influences your decision-making and what energizes your outlook on the world. Moreover, this isn’t an assessment of your intellectual abilities. The purpose of this assessment is to help you develop a better understanding of the people in your life or at work. To make informed decisions, communicate effectively, and foster strong relationships, this information is essential.   

Who Discovered 16 Personality Test?

Personality test commonly known as MBTI was developed by the mother-daughter duo Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers in the United States. Katharine was inspired to learn about personality types after meeting Clarence Myers, Isabel’s future husband. She observed that Clarence has quite a different perspective on the world during their meeting. It prompted her to research personality types and how they impact individuals’ day-to-day lives. In 1943, the first MBTI questionnaire was published and is now used by organizations globally.

Influence of Carl Jung’s Theory

The MBTI or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is an assessment that provides an opportunity for people to understand Carl Jung’s theory practically The duo while researching came across the English translation of Carl Jung’s Psychological Type which of originally published in 1923. It seemed that her ideas were similar to theirs, but that they were hard for the general public to grasp at the same time. So, to make Carl’s theory easily accessible to the world, they came up with the idea of a personality indicator questionnaire.

Factors that Categorized Personality Types

An individual’s questionnaire answers determine the results of the 16 Personality Assessment. Using this assessment model, we can gain a better understanding of our natural instincts. We can also learn about our best features, energy, motivations, and driving forces through this process. Based on the following factors, personalities can be categorized:

  • Introversion vs. Extraversion
  • Intuition vs. Sensing
  • Thinking vs. Feeling
  • Judging vs. Perceiving

What are the Pros and Cons of Personality Tests?

Personality type indicators such as Myers-Briggs are the best tools for understanding a person’s psychology. It will tend to reveal the potential of the person, eliminate biases, and improve collaboration between teammates. However, it may sometimes produce inaccurate results. Tests like these are used by hiring managers, career counselors, psychologists, etc.

These personality tests are ideal for team-building workshops and executive coaching.

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The Four Dichotomies

According to the MBTI, a person’s personality can be divided into four dichotomies. Each person favors one trait over the other in a different proportion. Thus, depicting the original colors of their personalities. However, having these qualities does not make one person superior to another. It is just a way to find out what personalities prefer, which makes them unique.

Extraversion vs. Introversion

This personality trait shows what influences a person’s mind. People are moved in two ways: by the outside world or by the inner world. It identifies how they tend to interact with people. The extraverted personality is energized by the presence of people, while introverted personalities love to spend some time alone.

Intuition vs. Sensing

Traits like intuition and sensing relate to how people think and perceive information. People with strong intuition love to focus on the bigger picture. While those who prefer sensing are more comfortable dealing with things at the present moment.

Thinking vs. Feeling

Natural instincts also influence our decision-making. People who possess the feeling attribute are generally emphatic and prefer emotions. On the other hand, a person who considers facts and logic exhibit a more rational approach to thinking.

Perceiving vs. Judging
This trait relates to different personalities’ working styles. People with dominant perceptions are often flexible and spontaneous. Compared to them, people with a judging factor are more organized and prefer traditional, structured methods.

The 16 Personality Types

The personality types identified by the MBTI assessment indicator are a mixture of four cognitive functions. The primary and secondary cognitive functions are the most dominant functions in a person. Myers-Briggs classified personalities into 16 different types, which are as follows:

ISTJ: People with ISTJ personalities give great attention to detail. They think logically and indulge in communication-based on facts.

INTP: Such individuals are very focused and make decisions based on logic and analysis.

ISFJ: They are strict in their work and focus to meet deadlines on time. People assume them to be friendly, collaborative, and responsible.

INFJ: These individuals are compassionate and hardworking. They provide listening ears to others and are attentive to their needs.

ISTP: These personalities are quick to find the best possible solutions in no time. They like to take risks to experiment with new ideas.

INFP: They hold high regard for their values and traditions. Though they do like to interact with people, they also prefer to have a small circle.

INTJ: They are referred to as perfectionists. Creativity, analytical approach, and independence are their strong traits.

ISFP: A person with a creative mind. They make deep connections and are down to earth.

ENTP: These personalities are highly interactive and like to conduct healthy debates. They tend to perform better in teams rather than alone.

ENFP: They love to work in a free environment and do not prefer routine tasks. Their creativity and imagination result in concluding tasks in an innovative way.

ESFJ: They are warm and polite people. They are considerate of others’ feelings and emotions.

ESTJ: They are result-oriented people. They want to plan things before and achieve the target in a given time.

ENTJ: They are the commander figures and take charge of the situation. They function best in organized and structured environments.

ENFJ: They have a great influence on emotions in their personality. They make lasting relationships and are loyal.

ESFP: A person with ESFP personality traits is friendly and outgoing. They enjoy the limelight in social gatherings.

ESTP: They do not like abstract ideas and prefer a practical approach. Moreover, they make plans to obtain the required results.

All in all, understanding people’s psychology and personality preferences is beneficial in both personal and professional life. It can help you to decide on your career, improve relationships, and communicate effectively.