Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Personality Test

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Personality Test

Personality tests are a great way to self-assess your personality preferences. These tests were introduced in the mid-90s and are now widely used by people and organizations around the world. These personality tests are not a measure of your intellect, nor do the results make someone superior to another by any means. Assessments like MBTI are designed to give one a better understanding of personality type, so one can make informed life decisions.

What Does MBTI Stand For?

MBTI is a personality indicator tool commonly known as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. MBTI identifies 16 different personality types, comprising four letters. The first letter is usually the dominant preference of the person, it shows whether the person derives energy from the inside or outside world. Similarly, the second and third letter shows learning and decision-making capabilities. And the last one shows how individuals like to organize their life. All these four distinct characteristics shape a person’s personality and help them be effective at work or in life.

How to Take MBTI Assessment?

MBTI test questionnaire is basically a psychometric assessment in which a person must answer 90 plus forced-choice questions. You must select either option from the available ones. However, if you don’t find the question relatable, you can skip it. The best practice to get correct results is to answer questions while being yourself without external influence in mind. Once you complete the test, the results will be generated. You will get detailed information about your personality type and the preference clarity index score.

Does MBTI change with age?

Theories suggest most personalities are inborn and do not change with time. A person can adopt or develop some traits with age, but the natural inclination remains the same. There is a high chance that personalities already use their inborn instincts to make career decisions, to be effective at jobs, making effective workplace relationships, and to hone other skills in their free time. However, MBTI will provide people with information about their strengths and weaknesses so they can analyze if they are putting them to maximum use or not.

Where Can I Take the Personality Test?

In the workplace, you can look out for an MBTI professional who will guide you through the test and even help you to comprehend the information from the results. However, for faster results, you can opt for online MBTI assessments offered on various websites. The Myers-Briggs Foundation recommends people take tests under the supervision of a certified professional. Alternatively, you can have an online assessment and share the results with the counselor any time later.

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Benefits of MBTI Assessment

In recent times, MBTI assessment is used by the organization as the best practice to understand the personality of their existing employees and potential candidates during hiring. This information about personalities goes a long way in providing benefits to organizations and even to people in a personal capacity. Following are the few benefits that personality tests provide:

  • Effective communication
  • Team development
  • Managing change
  • Conflict resolution
  • Decision-making

Who developed MBTI Assessment?

MBTI is the best way for testing the personality preference of people with different traits. MBTI was developed in the USA, by the mother-daughter duo, namely, Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs. Both these ladies were interested in seeing the world through the lens of other people to understand how they perceive the world. During their research, they find their hypothesis to resemble Carl Jung’s theory. Based on her theory of personality traits, they developed the MBTI assessment model to provide a practical way to access Jung’s work in a useful manner by the people.

Myers-Briggs Personality Type

The primary aim of the personality test is to categorize the personality of every person based on the classification by the MBTI personality indicator. These descriptive assessment results provide you with insight ranging from your emotional inclination to your best interpersonal skills. It can help to find the right job to grow career as well as strengths to be more effective in personal life.
In MBTI, there are basically four sets of opposite traits. The first pair includes characteristics like extraversion and introversion. This helps a person to understand that either he is productive while working alone or performs better in a team or social gathering. The next set is to distinguish if a person is intuitive or sensing. This shows if they are involved in deeper meanings of life or just revolve around facts and senses. The following set of characteristics classifies if a person prefers feeling or thinking while making any decisions in life. The final set of MBTI assessments includes traits like judging and perceiving. Thus, shows how organized a person is in managing things at the job or in life.

Strange Personnality Test
Strange Personnality Test

Personality Test for Workplace

MBTI assessment is one of the most globally used self-awareness tests. It is available in almost 29 languages. It’s been more than 70 years since this science-based, research-based personality indicator tool. Almost the majority of Fortune 500 companies use this to increase the productivity of their workplace and to strengthen team building. It has paved the way for people to better understand the differences with their peers and provide a way to utilize their strengths in the best possible way.
The traditional methods of managing and incorporating change in the organization are not welcomed by the people anymore. Executives believe that a team-focused, effective communication model is the only way to ramp up productivity.

Personality Test for Personal Growth:

The test in a personal capacity can also be very effective. It helps people to understand self, to strengthen their skills, decide on careers, make the best decisions, and be effective in communication. Though after getting MBTI results, you cannot change your complete personality at once. In fact, the inborn traits remain with you and do not change with the passing of time. MBTI is just a way to highlight those strong points of your personality and the areas that you need to work on to enhance your overall personality.

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